MATLAB: Flip every other file in a GPR matrix

3d plotsflipgeophysicsgprstudent

Hi all, I am an archaeology student learning matlab and need some help flipping some ground penetrating radar data (GSSI). We collect data in two directions. One line S->N, next line N->S. So need to figure out how to flip every other line.
Here is the code i've been messing around with so far. Dist is our y-axis data values. I keep getting an unequal expression error.
%Reverse Odd dist=-dist %alternatively could use fliplr? if radarfile=['../22-05-2018/FILE____1' '../22-05-2018/FILE____3' '../22-05-2018/FILE____5' '../22-05- 2018/FILE____7' '../22-05-2018/FILE____9', num2str(num),'.DZT']; end
any help would be greatly appreciated

Best Answer

dist(1:2:end, :) = fliplr(dist(1:2:end, :))
dist(1:2:end, :) = dist(1:2:end, end:-1:1) % both have same result

this will flip row 1,3,5,... and
dist(2:2:end, :) = fliplr(dist(2:2:end, :))
dist(2:2:end, :) = dist(2:2:end, end:-1:1) % both have same result
will flip row 2,4,6,...