MATLAB: “fl:filesy​stem:Inval​idArgument​” Error

filesysteminvalidargumentsimulinkstd::exceptionwindows xp

I am trying to run Matlab and Simulink 2014a on my Windows XP (SP3) machine. Matlab seems to run fine, and when I build a simple model in simulink it sims fine, but when I use the command sim('modelnamehere'); to run my complicated model, written in 2014a on a newer version of Windows, I get the following error:
Caught "std::exception" Exception message is: fl:filesystem:InvalidArgument

Best Answer

Hi. I had the same problem and I solved it. In my case, I had a stand-alone application (EXE file) to distribute to several target computers. In some of the target computers, when I ran the EXE, I received the "fl:filesystem:InvalidArgument" error.
Eventually, I found the problem: If the EXE was located in a path that included Hebrew characters (I'm from Israel) it gave the error.
To solve it, I simply renamed all folders in the path to Latin characters and it worked like magic :) Hope this helps...
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