MATLAB: Fixunknows on nftool GUI matlab

Deep Learning ToolboxMATLABneuralnetworknftool

I am using the nftool GUI to set up a regression neural network.
My database has various NaN (missing values). When I run the GUI, everything seems to go right. It gives me the performance and the regression graph.
I read that by line code you can add a processFcn named 'fixunknowns' to the network.
My question is: In the GUI, is the neural network making the fixunknows? How the GUI is procesing this NaN? When I generate the script, the fixunknows function does not appear.
I wonder if it is only possible to treat this NaN values on line code? Or… perhaps the GUI implements the fixnknowns automatically?
Thank you.

Best Answer

I don't know for sure. However, I see no reason why you should not assume that functions called from command line and GUI use the same defaults for both.
Hope this helps.
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