MATLAB: Fitting vector of n length


I'm trying to solve a problem involving a least square estimate. When defining input I try to fit my input vector to a following vector, phi which I use in the least square algorithm. My input vector, A, is simply [1xn].
My phi vector looks like this:
[ u(1)^2, u(1), 1;
u(2)^2, u(2), 1;
. .
. .
u(n-1)^2, u(n-1), 1;
u(n)^2, u(n), 1];
Is there an easy and quick way to populate my phi vector using corresponding elements from A, as illustrated?

Best Answer

u=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]'
phi=[x.^2 x ones(n,1)]
phi=bsxfun(@power, repmat(u(1:n),1,3),2:-1:0)