MATLAB: Fitting a function of five varaibles!

curve fittingmulti varaibles functionoptimization

dear all I'm facing a problem and looking forward to get yr advice regarding it.. I wanna fit a function consists of 5 variables: y=F(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) and each x is a vector contains 1 by 200 and the output y is 1 by 200 as well.. so how can run like code in matlab? I tried curve fitting by neural networks and doesn't give me good results, wanna try another approach..
looking forward to get your help.. many thanks

Best Answer

As I hinted in the above Comment, you need to tell us more about what you want to do. Do you have a particular formula that you want to fit to? If not then what mechanism do you want to use to decide amongst the (literally) infinite number of formula that fit the data? On what basis did you decide that the results you got before were not good enough?