MATLAB: Fit NonLinearLeastSquares to data and constrain curve to pass through point (0,1)

Curve Fitting ToolboxMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitenonlinear least squares regression

I have data I need to fit to an equation, which I can do, but I want the equation to pass through point (0,1).
The equation is an exponential y = a*exp(-x/b)+ c*exp(-x/d)+ e
Currently, this is my code:
f3 = fitoptions('Method','NonlinearLeastSquares','Startpoint',[1,100,1,100,1])
newrelax = fittype('q*exp(-x/r)+ s*exp(-x/t)+u','options',f3);
[h,gof] = fit(timeR,stressR,newrelax)
Thank you,

Best Answer

You can use a “lsqlin” function from optimization toolbox.
C=[exp(-x/t(2)) exp(-x/t(4)) ones(size(x))];
A = []; % No inequality constraint

B= []; % No inequality constraint
%Set the specified points in C and D to find equality constraints Aeq, Beq..By substituting (0,1) they turned out to be
Aeq =[1 1 1];Beq=[1];
l=lsqlin(C,D,A,B,Aeq,Beq); %generates coefficients of the curve fitted passing through a specified point
Refer to the below link