MATLAB: Fit data to an exponential curve using fitdist

curve fittingMATLAB

I'm trying to fit the following data to an exponential curve using fitdist. This is the code I have but the graph doesn't fit the data.
VarName6 = [1; 0.5294; 0.2941; 0.2794; 0.1764; 0.1323];
VarName7 = [0; 0.05; 0.15; 0.20; 0.25; 0.30];
x1q = linspace(VarName6(1),VarName6(end),100);
y1q = interp1(VarName6,VarName7,x1q,'pchip');
pd = fitdist(VarName6, 'Exponential');
y1p = pdf(pd,x1q);
plot(VarName6,VarName7,'xr', x1q, y1p, '-r ', 'DisplayName', '5V Sample 1')

Best Answer

If you have an idea of what your fit equation is, use fittype and fit (curve fitting toolbox).
ft = fittype('a.*(1-r).^x',...
myfit = fit(VarName6,VarName7,ft,'StartPoint', [0.5 .95] )
hold on
myfit =
General model:
myfit(x) = a.*(1-r).^x
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
a = 0.512 (0.3657, 0.6583)
r = 0.9807 (0.9541, 1.007)