MATLAB: Fit a plane to 3D data from image

curve fittingCurve Fitting ToolboximageMATLAB

I have an image, I, where
>> whos I
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
I 2056x2464 5065984 uint8
I plotted the surface using surf:
which displays this:
Now I would like to fit this surface to a plane. So I think I need to use something like
fit([x, y], z, 'ax+by+c')
but I can't figure out how to format the x,y,z input data using my image. Does anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

You have to form vectors of x,y,z the same size. Also i suggest you to reduce your data
[m,n] = size(I);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:m,1:n);
% get every 10 000th point
X = X(1:1e4:end)';
Y = Y(1:1e4:end)';
Z = I(1:1e4:end)';
F = fit([X,Y],Z,fittype);
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