MATLAB: First MATLAB Build (Directly) Supporting Left Eigenvector in eig

eig; left eigenvectors

Since at least R2014A, eig has the following option, which returns both left and right eigenvectors in one command, without resorting to a second call to eig on the transpose of the original matrix.
[V,D,W] = eig(A) also produces a full matrix W whose columns are the
corresponding left eigenvectors so that W'*A = D*W'.
Somewhat to my surprise, I discovered that this calling sequence is not supported in MATLAB R2013A, and that it only returns right eigenvectors, thereby necessitating a call to eig on A' in order to get its right eigenvectors, which are the left eigenvectors of A. I had assumed it had been in MATLAB since time immemorial (the old Fortran-based MATLAB days).

Best Answer

You can see in the release notes at that it was introduced in R2014a.
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