MATLAB: FIR Window – Taylor

firformula taylorMATLABtaylorwindow

I'm working on a project for school. (No this is not "give me the solution question"). Basically we have to design a FIR filter for an application. We selected Window Taylor Method.
Now FDAtool is wonderful but I want to calculate the coefficients myself using the formula. Now I googled and googled and search all over the place but i can't find any formula that let me calculate the coefficients.
So my question is, what is the basic FIR window Taylor formula and how can I Implement it?

Best Answer

The taylorwin documentation provides references for the signal processing algorithms.
[1] Carrara, W.G., R.M. Majewski and R.S. Goodman, Spotlight Synthetic Aperature Radar: Signal Processing Algorithms, Artech House Publishers, Boston, 1995, Appendix D.2.
[2] Brookner, Eli, Practical Phased Array Antenna Systems, Lex Book, Lexington, MA, 1991.