MATLAB: FIR Parks-McClellan

fir parks-mcclellan

I have a set of FIR Parks-McClellan coefficient :
Numerator: FR_SV = [3.91719822748777E-02, 0.103629842929331, 0.171922134825388, 0.221881476438683, 0.221881476438683, 0.171922134825388, 0.103629842929331, 3.91719822748777E-02];
Denominator: [1.000];
Can i use spectrogram function to plot and see the filter response? I have browse through the help file and could not find Parks-McClellan window. Anyone can help?
Regards, Newbie

Best Answer

Parks-McClellan is an algorithm for filter design. It does not use window. Spectrogram is normally used to view the signal since it explores both time and frequency domain. You have a set of fixed filter coefficients so there is no time dependence. You can certainly use spectrogram, but it won't give you additional information than freqz does.
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