MATLAB: FIR filter


clarify the fir1 code plzz?? and how to design filter
i designed the cheby fiter but i cant design the fir1 filter
function filtered_sig = cheby_filter(no,c,w,x,R)
w2 = c+(w/2);
w1 = c-(w/2);
W = [w1 w2];
[b,a] = cheby1(no,R,W);
filtered_sig = filtfilt(b,a,x');
filtered_sig = filtered_sig';
i need to design it in this way..

Best Answer

I have no idea what you have declared for w1, w2, and no, but I'll assume those are correct.
w2 = c+(w/2);
w1 = c-(w/2);
W = [w1 w2];
b = fir1(no,W);
filtered_sig = filtfilt(b,1,x');
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