MATLAB: Finding weekly mean of temperature data

meanweekly average

I have temperature data with day, month, and year columns supplied as integer values. How do I obtain the weekly temperature average. I have no idea how to do this.

Best Answer

Use an appropriate function to read the file (readmatrix, or a similar appropriate function), then try this prototype code with your data:
Y = ones(31,1)*2021; % Create Original Year Data
M = ones(31,1); % Create Original Month Data
D = (1:31).'; % Create Original Day Data
Date = datetime([Y,M,D]); % Convert To ‘datetime’
Temperature = 20 + 5*sin(2*pi*D/31)+randn(size(D))/10; % Create ‘Temperature’ Vector
T1 = table(Date,Temperature); % Create Table
TT1 = table2timetable(T1); % Convert To ‘timetable’
TT2 = retime(TT1,'weekly','mean'); % Timetable With Weekly Averages
Make appropriate changes to work with the available data.