MATLAB: Finding Values From Arrays

finding values from arrays

Hi Experts,
I have the following lines of code
I =
I = imread(abc.jpg)
[idx,C] = adaptcluster_kmeans(I);
idx =
a = unique(idx); //Unique values from idx e.g 1 2 3
out = [a,histc(idx(:),a)];//Frequency of unique value
1 18221
2 28383
3 18080
[a,ix]= max(out(:,2)); //max unique value and its index
a = 28383 ix = 2
Now what i want to do is to use this 'ix' and extract the corresponding pixel values and store them in an excel file....
e.g ix = 2 in this case then i want to extract
Can any help how i can achieve this
Regards & Thanks

Best Answer

Hi rizwan
You can simply use the "find" command line.
[row column] = find(idx == ix)