MATLAB: Finding TP, TN, FP, FN using histc. First Input must be a real non-sparse numeric array (error)

image processingMATLAB

I am finding TP, TN, FP, FN (confusion matrix) of predicted and actual image. smapImg is the predicted/output image and gtImg is the actual/ground truth image.
TP = histc(smapImg(gtImg), 0:255);
FP = histc(smapImg(~gtImg), 0:255);
FN = histc(~smapImg(gtImg), 0:255);
TN = histc(~smapImg(~gtImg), 0:255);
I am getting this error "First Input must be a real non-sparse numeric array" while computing FN and TN, while TP and FP are computing correctely. Please help.

Best Answer

The negation (~) is turnning the array into a logical array. As the error message indicates, the first input is expected to be numeric (not logical).
t = uint8(rand(1,10))
ans =
t2 = ~t;
ans =
A reproduction of the error using the logical vector
Error using histc
First Input must be a real non-sparse numeric array.