MATLAB: Finding the point of inflection on a curve

inflection point

Hi everyone, I have a question.
Is there any code that allows one to find the point of inflection on a step response curve of a transfer function? An example is given below.
Ts = 0.0005;
%Continuous system
Ps = tf(2,[1,12,20.02]);
Pz = c2d(Ps,Ts,'zoh');
hold on
hold off

Best Answer

You need to find where the 2nd derivative is zero. There are many different ways to approach this. This is one possible way:
Ts = 0.0005;
%Continuous system
Ps = tf(2,[1,12,20.02]);
Pz = c2d(Ps,Ts,'zoh');
[y,t] = step(Pz);
hold on;
% Estimate the 2nd deriv. by finite differences
ypp = diff(y,2);
% Find the root using FZERO
t_infl = fzero(@(T) interp1(t(2:end-1),ypp,T,'linear','extrap'),0)
y_infl = interp1(t,y,t_infl,'linear')
Another way would be to find the roots of the step response of
tf([2 0 0],[1,12,20.02]);