MATLAB: Finding the particular pattern from cell array

finding the particular pattern from cell array

I have a cell array,
A = {'file.m', 'file.log', 'file_dsaf_dsfaf.log', 'data.log'}
I need to extract the element starting with fi and ending with log
How can i extract it using the regular expression?
Thanks a lot

Best Answer

>> A = {'file.m', 'file.log', 'file_dsaf_dsfaf.log', 'data.log'};
>> idx = cellfun('isempty',regexp(A,'^fi.*log$'));
>> B = A(~idx)
B =
Note that if you are using dir to get the file data then it would be much simpler and more efficient to filter the filenames using dir and the wildcard operator *:
S = dir('fi*.log');
B = {}