MATLAB: Finding the norm of a matrix using for-loops and conditional statements

conditional statementfor looploopsmatrixnormsquare matrixvector

Alright, so I'm having a bit of trouble with an example for MATLAB. I'm trying to find the conditional number of any square matrix, which normally isn't too difficult. However, instead of using the norm function to find the norm of the matrix, I am to use loops and conditional statements. I'm not completely sure where to start.
I know how to find the norm on paper – I take the absolute value of each number of the matrix, then add up the columns. The largest number, then, is the norm of the matrix. How might I translate that over into MATLAB?
EDIT: This is how what I've gotten thus far. The sums make sense, but I don't know how to edit it so that it'll work for any square matrix.
A= [2 3 4; 4 7 6; -11 85 9;];
invA= inv(A);
for i=1:1:n-2
for j=1:1:n-2
sum_1=abs(A(i,1)) + abs(A((i+1),1) + abs(A((i+2),1)))
sum_2=abs(A(i,2)) + abs(A((i+1),2)) + abs(A((i+2),2))
sum_3=abs(A(i,3)) + abs(A((i+1),3)) + abs(A((i+2),3))

Best Answer

for i=1:size(B,1)