MATLAB: Finding the diagonal vector from a square matrix

diagdiagonal matrixdiagonal matrix (from right to left)

I'm trying to find the diagonal of an square matrix but NOT the diagonal vector of the matrix from left to right. I'm trying to find the diagonal of an matrix fram right to left. Below is an example of what I'm trying to achieve:
A = [2 9 4; 4 9 2; 1 5 0];
diagA = diag(A); %Diagonal of the A matrix from left to right
%THE ANSWER: digA = [2 9 0]'
But what I'm trying to get is the diagonal from the A matrix from right to left for [4 9 1]
Is this possible? Can you please help me?

Best Answer

A = [2 9 4; 4 9 2; 1 5 0]