MATLAB: Finding the average of every nth row but n is not fixed.

arrayMATLABmatrixmatrix manipulationStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Consider a nx2 matrix M with
M= [
1 10
1 11
1 20
2 4
2 9
2 8
2 7
How to find the average of the second column when the first column change values, i.e. "1 rows" have 3
values while "2 rows" have 4, etc. so we need the average of the 3 first values, then the next four, etc.
Thank you.

Best Answer

>> M = [1,10;1,11;1,20;2,4;2,9;2,8;2,8];
Method one: accumarray:
>> V = accumarray(M(:,1),M(:,2),[],@mean)
V =
Method two: splitapply:
>> V = splitapply(@mean,M(:,2),M(:,1))
V =
And if you want those values back in the matrix:
>> M(:,3) = V(M(:,1))
M =
1 10 13.667
1 11 13.667
1 20 13.667
2 4 7.25
2 9 7.25
2 8 7.25
2 8 7.25