MATLAB: Finding several local maximum values in a given range and corresponding indices

data acquisitionindexindexingMATLAB

If we have a dataset "y" which consists of a sum of 5 gaussian peaks as function of time t, there will be 5 local maximum values in the whole y values. Basically, I would like to obtain the y axis maximum values and their corresponding t axis values. For example peak 1, has a maximum value 5 and it corresponds to t value of 19.
One can individually find the maximum values by giving a range say
[a ,i]=max(y(1:20));% locating maxima in a given range of the first peak
value_1= t(i); % Corresponding value of time for index i1.
One can repeat this 5 times by specifying the ranges for all peaks. Is there a better way to achieve the same result as an output in a single vector, and the corresponding time for those maxima in another vector . Thanks.

Best Answer

Use the Signal Processing Toolbox findpeaks function, or the islocalmax (R2017b and later) function.