MATLAB: Finding rows which correspond to date


I have a table of data with two columns, one with monthly averaged data values and the other with the corresponding month and year in datetime 'MMM yyyy' format, e.g.
Jan 2004 26.3
Mar 2004 27.2
Jun 2004 35.5
Jan 2006 45.1
Mar 2007 32.2
How can I select each row beginning with a specific month eg. March (for each year), to then average these and get a representative average for that month over the full time span?
Many thanks!

Best Answer

>> Date = datetime({'Jan 2004';'Mar 2004';'Jun 2004';'Jan 2006';'Mar 2007'},'Format','MMM yyyy');
>> Value = [26.3;27.2;35.5;45.1;32.2];
>> t = table(Date,Value)
t =
5×2 table
Date Value
________ _____
Jan 2004 26.3
Mar 2004 27.2
Jun 2004 35.5
Jan 2006 45.1
Mar 2007 32.2
>> t.Month = month(t.Date,'shortname')
t =
5×3 table
Date Value Month
________ _____ _____
Jan 2004 26.3 'Jan'
Mar 2004 27.2 'Mar'
Jun 2004 35.5 'Jun'
Jan 2006 45.1 'Jan'
Mar 2007 32.2 'Mar'
>> monthly = varfun(@mean,t,'GroupingVariable','Month','InputVariable','Value')
monthly =
3×3 table
Month GroupCount mean_Value
_____ __________ __________
'Jan' 2 35.7
'Jun' 1 35.5
'Mar' 2 29.7