MATLAB: Finding row number of a variable existing in a table


I've been searching the internet for a while trying to find the combo of functions that will allow me to find the row number of an inputted variable.
More specifically, I began with importing an excel (.xlsx) file as a table via the readtable() function.
Then I prompted the user to deliver a string stored as a variable (searching in the MeasName column) and another prompt to be stored as a number (as a filter for ID# column).
I would like to find a way to run through the table and be able to return the correct row and column of a variable.
ID# MeasName# Coeff1 Coeff2 Coeff3 (headers)
1 A 12 13 14
1 B 14 13 12
2 A 1 2 3
2 B 3 2 1]
So I run my code and get this in the command window:
Which ID#?: 2 [Enter]
Which MeasName?: A [Enter]
I would like the code to be able to locate return a vector of [m,n] and in this case it would be [3,2].
then define a variable RowNumber = 3 and ColumnNumber = 2
Thanks for helping me out.

Best Answer

I have no idea what you mean by "In this case the second column and third row of the table.", but this sounds like what you want:
i = find(T.ID# = userID & t.MeasName# == userMeasName)
and maybe even
I can't tell if the #'s are really part of the table's var names, or what. I can't tell if MeasName# is string, cellstr, or char. So you get to adjust this to whatever you actually have (which might mean using strcmp instead of ==). Please try to be precise.