MATLAB: Finding ROI in frequency domain.

fingerprintfrequency domainpower spectral densityregion of interest

I am looking for a method which can be used for finding the ROI on a matrix obtained by plotting power spectrum of an image. The power spectrum is shown below:
In this I am interested in the region between the two red circles(circles on the image were drawn manually). As it is in the frequency domain, the ROI can be calculated by selecting a frequency from a to b. But I am short of a method to do it. Anything in this regard would be helpful. Thank you.
The code used is:
img= rgb2gray(imread ('finger3.jpg'));
F = fft2(img);
psd = 10*log10(abs(fftshift(fft2(img))).^2 );
figure(2); clf
imshow(psd, []);
axis on;

Best Answer

Just mask with circles, like the FAQ shows:
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