MATLAB: Finding position of a string in a cell array


Hello, please find below my code:
ans =
'AGGH' '' 'ANYN' '' 'AYBK' '' 'AYDU' '' 'AYGB' ''
>> Airport_actual
Airport_actual =
>> whos Airport_data
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Airport_data 1x4835 555792 cell
>> whos Airport_actual
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Airport_actual 1x1 120 cell
i want to find the index of 'ANYN' which in this case is 3. How can i do this.? Should i convert to string first?

Best Answer

s={'AGGH' '' 'ANYN' '' 'AYBK' '' 'AYDU' '' 'AYGB' }
find(strcmp(s,'ANYN' ))