MATLAB: Finding parent words using strfind


As in normal case, i will have this huge cell array of words,
wordbank={'back'; 'beast';''fairytale';'aerial';'whale';'astronomy'…….}
I asked the user for a string of letters that might compare with what I have in the wordbank, so I tried to use strfind.
wchoice=input('please enter a valid parent word','s')
then from here I tried to compare which word have similarities from the input with the list of words in wordbank.
so I used strfind(wordbank,wchoice)
which later will give me the cell with indices where the words are similar instead of just displaying what the word is.
I was hoping that something like this can appear if
I typed strfind(wordbank,wchoice)
Could you help me with this?Thank you.

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