MATLAB: Finding nanmedian of a 3D array.


Hi I have a 3D array and I am trying find the median with nans excluded. I used the nanmedian function but i get the error 'Unexpected MATLAB expression'for the line I have commented out. Could you tell me why? How can i make it right?
for i=1:size(tempBeforeDelam,1)

for j=1:size(tempBeforeDelam,2)
if(abs((tempBeforeDelam(i,j,1)-tempBeforeDelam(i,j,2)))< 1 && abs((tempBeforeDelam(i,j,2)-tempBeforeDelam(i,j,3))) < 1 && abs((tempBeforeDelam(i,j,3)-tempBeforeDelam(i,j,4))) < 1 && abs((tempBeforeDelam(i,j,4)-tempBeforeDelam(i,j,5))) < 1 && abs((tempBeforeDelam(i,j,5)-tempBeforeDelam(i,j,1))) < 1)

% beforeDelam(m,n)= nanmedian[tempBeforeDelam(i,j,1) tempBeforeDelam(i,j,2) tempBeforeDelam(i,j,3) tempBeforeDelam(i,j,4) tempBeforeDelam(i,j,5)]

Best Answer

You have brackets [] instead of parenthesis ()
This should do it; you can use 1:5 and take nanmedian along third dimension to avoid unrolling the pieces:
beforeDelam(m,n)= nanmedian(tempBeforeDelam(i,j,1:5),3)
Also note that in 15a, median now has an 'omitnan' flag so you can use it instead.