MATLAB: Finding mean


I have a 30 matrix of size 256×256 stored in in different variables,
for ex the variables are A,D,R,T,Y,……ETC,EACH variable has same matrix size,now i want to find mean for each matrix and store it s mean values in a separate variable ,please help

Best Answer

It's pretty awkward if there is no pattern to the naming of the variables, so if you can fix the naming problem upstream, you should try to do that. If you can't, then one approach is to define a function that takes a variable number of arguments, and does the mean of each one:
function arrayOfMeans = getMeans(varargin)
arrayOfMeans = zeros(nargin,1);
for n=1:nargin
arrayOfMeans(n) = mean(varargin{n}(:)); % Calculating means of all elements in array
Then call that function with the list of your variables as the input. For example,
>> getMeans(magic(3),rand(7),eye(4))
In your case, you would do
>> getMeans(A,D,R,T)