MATLAB: Finding mathematical function of set of points


There are some points on X-Y coordinates. Is it possible in MATLAB to find mathematical function between X and Y?
for example for X=1,3,5,7,8,9,23,25,30 respectively Y is equals to Y=1,3,5,7,9,12,13,17,20
now how MATLAB could find relation between X and Y in mathematical function form? ( finding Y=f(X) )
mathematical function must be algebra in this form: y=a+bx^2+cx^3+dx^4+…nx^K (Not sinusoidal and etc)
that a,b,…,n and K are unknown. Is it possible in MATLAB to find this parameters?

Best Answer

There are literally an infinite number of mathematical functions that fit any finite set of (X,Y) pairs exactly. Unless you have some prior information as to what the form of the mathematical function "should be", there is no way of distinguishing which of those infinite number of functions is the "right" one.