MATLAB: Finding integers between two vectors

cell arrayvector

im new in the matlab world
i have 2 vectors A and B size (1xM)
i need to find all the integers betwwen corresponding Columns and store the integers in cell arry
for example:
A= 4.54 5.11 9.58 15.04
B= 1.01 3.2 5.5 16.98
i need to create cell arry X that each column contains all the integers between the numbers in A and B columns (1.01-4.54 the integers 2,3,4 3.2-5.11 the integers 4,5… )
2 4 6 16
3 5 7
4 8
how can i do it?

Best Answer

A= [4.54 5.11 9.58 15.04];
B= [1.01 3.2 5.5 16.98];
C = sort([A; B]);
C(1,:) = ceil(C(1,:));
C(2,:) = floor(C(2,:));
temp = diff(C) + 1;
D = zeros(max(temp),size(C,2));
for ii = 1:size(C,2)
D(1:temp(ii),ii) = C(1,ii):C(2,ii);