MATLAB: Finding how many times a team lost from an array

tables arrays sums matricies

Im given
1 5 2004 16 8 13 3
1 5 2004 21 12 8 6
1 5 2005 22 25 3 8
1 5 2005 23 22 2 1
1 5 2005 22 19 3 6
2 5 2005 20 29 2 6
2 5 2005 20 5 1 3
2 5 2005 20 28 2 3
2 5 2005 27 18 2 6
2 5 2005 2 25 8 9
2 5 2006 8 26 9 10
2 5 2006 24 1 0 5
column 4 represents the home team, and column 5 represents the away team. Column 6 represents the home team goals and column 7 represents the away teams goals. How do i write a piece of code that shows how many teams lost at most 3 times playing in the year 2005. From the table you can see team 22 and team 20 lost at most 3 times in 2005 so I would like my answer to be 2.
So column 4 represents the home team and column 5 represents the away team column 6 represents the home team goals and column 7 represents the away team goals. Ignoring the first 2 columns row 1 would mean that in 2004 team 16 beat team 8 with a score of 13-3. I would like to find out for the year 2005 what teams lost at most 3 times.

Best Answer

Try this:
m = [...
1 5 2004 16 8 13 3
1 5 2004 21 12 8 6
1 5 2005 22 25 3 8
1 5 2005 23 22 2 1
1 5 2005 22 19 3 6
2 5 2005 20 29 2 6
2 5 2005 20 5 1 3
2 5 2005 20 28 2 3
2 5 2005 27 18 2 6
2 5 2005 2 25 8 9
2 5 2006 8 26 9 10
2 5 2006 24 1 0 5]
year2005Rows = m(:, 3) == 2005
homeTeams = m(year2005Rows, 4)
homeTeamGoals = m(year2005Rows, 6)
awayTeamGoals = m(year2005Rows, 7)
homeTeamWins = homeTeamGoals > awayTeamGoals
winsByTeam = grpstats(homeTeamWins, homeTeams, 'max')
teamsInOrder = unique(homeTeams)
for t = 1 : length(winsByTeam)
fprintf('Team %d won %d times at home in 2005.\n', ...
teamsInOrder(t), winsByTeam(t));
In the command window:
Team 2 won 0 times at home in 2005.
Team 20 won 0 times at home in 2005.
Team 22 won 0 times at home in 2005.
Team 23 won 1 times at home in 2005.
Team 27 won 0 times at home in 2005.
It requires grpstats from the Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox.