MATLAB: Finding handles to ROI objects such as drawline

drawline()handleImage Processing ToolboxMATLAB

Until the advent of drawline, it was easy to find the handle to a line objects created using imline:
fighl = figure;
axhl = axes(fighl);
imagesc(axhl, rand(100));
colormap gray
imline(axhl, [10 50; 80 50])
findobj(axhl, 'type', 'line')
ans =
4×1 Line array:
Line (end point 2)
Line (end point 1)
Line (top line)
Line (bottom line)
Repeating the same functionality using drawline:
fighl = figure;
axhl = axes(fighl);
imagesc(axhl, rand(100));
colormap gray
drawline(axhl, 'position', [10 50; 80 50])
findobj(axhl, 'type', 'line')
ans =
0×0 empty GraphicsPlaceholder array.
I know that this object exists:
>> findobj(axhl)
ans =
3×1 graphics array:
However, any attempt to access the object handle returns an empty placeholder.
I need to be able to find line objects without having to explicitly store their handles.
Is there a way to achieve this?

Best Answer

h = findobj(axhl, 'type', 'images.roi.line');
The object created by drawline is different from regular line objects.
But the best solution is to just store the output handle.
h = drawline(___)