MATLAB: Finding global minimum by using Ant Colony Optimization


I want to apply Ant Colony Optimization to one variable function for finding a global minimum. But i'm confused how to implement it. Do you have any suggestion about article related this topic?

Best Answer

There are ACO implementations in the File Exchange.
However, it can be shown that there is no algorithm that can always find the global minimum of a continuous "black box" function. In the discrete "black box function" case, the only algorithm that can always find the global minimum is to try every representable number in the range.
For functions that are available in analytic form rather than as "black box", analysis is sometimes able to find the global minima.
There are functions over the natural numbers for which it can be shown that knowing the value of the function for all values from 1 to N-1 does not allow you to predict the value of the function on N.
In other words, ACO can never be sure that it has found the global minima, and PSO and GA have the same difficulty.
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