MATLAB: Finding extreme values in a panel data set

cell array

Dear Matlab experts
I have
[1] ' ' [NaN] [NaN] [NaN]
[1] '30/11/08' [11.1447] [0.2117] [463.1360]
[1] '28/12/08' [11.7129] [0.2209] [436.6316]
[1] '25/01/09' [11.5152] [0.2212] [441.5430]
[1] '22/02/09' [11.4854] [0.2201] [453.7015]
[1] '22/03/09' [NaN] [0.2185] [461.3925]
[1] '19/04/09' [10.9700] [0.2104] [486.4095]
[1] '17/05/09' [11.4846] [0.2162] [451.4833]
[1] '14/06/09' [10.9967] [0.2158] [475.8620]
[1] '12/07/09' [11.1990] [0.2211] [449.4574]
[2] ' ' [NaN] [NaN] [NaN]
[2] '30/11/08' [10.8638] [0.2175] [472.2659]
[2] '28/12/08' [11.0897] [0.2182] [479.3408]
[2] '25/01/09' [11.0996] [0.2286] [442.6719]
[2] '22/02/09' [11.0473] [0.2211] [481.4548]
[2] '22/03/09' [11.1151] [0.2259] [468.2757]
[2] '19/04/09' [10.9865] [0.2300] [461.5581]
[2] '17/05/09' [10.7931] [0.2259] [487.6257]
[2] '14/06/09' [10.5845] [0.2200] [529.8777]
[2] '12/07/09' [10.8926] [0.2315] [433.3039]
[3] ' ' [NaN] [NaN] [NaN]
[3] '30/11/08' [10.7658] [0.2339] [487.7729]
[3] '28/12/08' [10.5227] [0.2305] [505.4553]
[3] '25/01/09' [10.6700] [0.2279] [480.0745]
[3] '22/02/09' [10.7632] [NaN] [518.5076]
[3] '22/03/09' [10.5065] [0.2271] [470.0111]
[3] '19/04/09' [10.6112] [0.2215] [483.5394]
[3] '17/05/09' [10.5855] [0.2190] [497.3172]
[3] '14/06/09' [10.3085] [0.2158] [515.7492]
[3] '12/07/09' [10.4475] [0.2211] [482.3380]
A is a panel data set that shows the evolution of some variables (columns 3-5) over time (column 2) for 3 individuals (column 1).
I would like
1) to detect outliers (their position and their corresponding values) in columns 3, 4 and 5 where an outlier is defined as a “a value that it is larger than (or equal to) 3 standard deviations over the mean”.
2) plot a diagram for each of the columns 3, 4 and 5 where outliers will stand out with, say, a red color
Could I do that with some matlab code?
Thank you very much
just to mention that my real A is huge where I have 400 individuals.

Best Answer

What have you tried so far? Did you try anything along the lines of
column3 = cell2mat(A(:,3))
goodIndexes = ~isnan(column3)
goodColumn3 = column3(goodIndexes)
mean3 = mean(goodColumn3)
std3 = std(goodColumn3)
lowerLimit = mean3 - std3
upperLimit = mean3 + std3
outliers = column3 < lowerLimit | column3 > upperLimit
outlierIndexes = find(outliers);
normalIndexes = find(~outliers);
x = (1:length(column3))';
stem(x(normalIndexes), column3(normalIndexes), 'b');
hold on;
grid on;
stem(x(outlierIndexes), column3(outlierIndexes), 'r');
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
and so on for the other columns?