MATLAB: Finding coordinates From image

coordinateseye detectionimage infoimage valuepixelsvalues of images in matlab

hello. I'm working on eye detection and I wanna know how can I find coordinates of a picture automatically? Can anyone help me?

Best Answer

You have do little effort to localize the eye section in the image. You may use imfindcircles function (Read about CHT Image Processing)
[centers,radii, metric] = imfindcircles(grayImage,[r_min,r_max],'Sensitivity',sense_val);
Try with possible pixels radii values to localize eye on face image (Probable Values, may be r_min=60 or r_max=100), control the sensitivity for circular object detection (Val 0 to 1), try with sense_val 0.96 or near in your case.
Once the circular object detected, draw circles on it by considering its evalueted centers and radii values
viscircles(centers, radii,'EdgeColor','b');
There are many literatures avalible in public domain related to eye detection (Human face)
Try for other tasks yourself, any specific question you can ask in this forum.
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