MATLAB: Finding consecutive data with non zero in array

arrayconsecutive dataconsecutive numberMATLABnon-zero

Hi all;
I want to find consecutive data with non zero value in array. However, as long as the data with 0 value is less than 3 points, it is still considered as part of the previous data set. The data with the same length is classified into same array.
For example:
xx = [1 2 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1];
The expected result
xx1 =[1 2 3 0 1 2; 1 2 3 4 0 1];
xx2=[1 1 1];
I try to find it using looping procedure but it takes only onsecutive data with non zero value and I can not find the solution for this criteria "as long as the data with 0 value is less than 3 points".
Hope some help.
Thank you.

Best Answer

for R2013a (and for your data from all_data.txt)
f = fopen('all_data.txt');
Data = textscan(f,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f','CollectOutput',1);
Data = Data{:};
lo = any(Data(:,6:7) ~= 0,2);
d = find(lo);
ii = [true;diff(d) > 3];
i2 = ii([2:end,1]);
i = zeros(size(Data,1),1);
i(d(ii)) = 1;
i(d(i2) + 1) = -1;
j = cumsum(i);
jj = cumsum([false;diff(j) == 1]).*j;
out = accumarray(jj+1,(1:size(Data,1))',[],@(x){Data(sort(x),:)});
out = out(2:end);