MATLAB: Finding closest distance between two data set for each point

closest distanceStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxtwo data set

I have two data set. Each of them have 300, 3D (x,y,z) data .
first data set =m
second data set=n
Every point in "m" corresponds to 1 point in "n" which have to be the closest one.
I need to find the closest "n" to "m" and calculate the distance between them and i need to do it for all 300 data
I am new with matlab. I think i should use pdist2 but i could not find how.
Thank you…

Best Answer

d = pdist2(first_xyz, second_xyz);
[mindist, idx] = min(d, [], 2);
Here first_xyz and second_xyz should be something-by-3 arrays of x, y, z coordinates.
The idx that results will have as many rows as first_xyz has, and the value will be the index of which second_xyz row is closest to that point; the mindist value will tell you how close it is (no more computation will be required.)
If you want the index for each n (second dataset) as to which m it is closest to, then use min(d, [], 1)