MATLAB: Finding Center of Arc and Forming Circle from an Image

digital image processingimageimage analysisimage processingimage segmentation

hi, I have a zoomed in image the Moon and from it I need to estimate the Moon Center and form its full outline.
The original image is this one:
Using various commands such as bwareaopen, imcomplement, I have managed to isolate its outline and laid it out on an all black canvass:
Then from here I want to find the center of the circle (moon) and extrapolate its outline: e.g draw a circle of the full moon in the image.
I have tried the imfindcircles command but it seems having a hard time to detect the outline.
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

Best Answer

This give a good walk though on fitting a circle using circfit. It might be worth trying this. Once you have the circle you can calculate the centre.