MATLAB: Finding/calculating area after edge detection

calculate areadroplet detectionimage processingImage Processing ToolboxMATLAB

Hi, I am a new MATLAB user. I am working on this image . The objectives are: a) to separate/detect the droplets and ligaments, b) find out dimensions (centre, area, diameter for drops, length for ligaments) of drops and ligaments. To simplify, I am currently working on the drops only. I am done with the detection of drops.
I = imread('test_17.tif');
figure, imshow(I)
bw1 = im2bw(I, graythresh(I));
figure, imshow(bw1)
D = -bwdist(~bw1);
figure, imshow(D,[])
Ld = watershed(D);
figure, imshow(label2rgb(Ld))
bw4 = bw1;
bw4(Ld == 0) = 0;
figure, imshow(bw4)
mask = imextendedmin(D,2);
figure, imshowpair(bw1,mask,'blend')
D2 = imimposemin(D,mask);
Ld2 = watershed(D2);
bw5 = bw1;
bw5(Ld2 == 0) = 0;
figure, imshow(bw5)
bw6 = edge(bw5,'log'); %detect edges with Laplacian of Gaussian
figure, imshow(bw6)
bw7 = imfill(bw6,'holes');
figure, imshow(bw7)
Now, I am stuck with finding out the centres, areas and diameters of the all the drops. Also, any other suggestion to improve the code is welcome.

Best Answer

Hi, Use below function, available in Image Processing Toolbox
to find the objects and their properties in the image.
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