MATLAB: Finding an closest possible element in an 7 dimensional matrix array


Code is as follows
time = period_fun(2,2,1,10,10,15,3) is a 7D matrix with has domensions 2*7*1*10*10*15*8
So when hardcode the time = 26.601 and pass it.
I am trying to find the closest value possible in period_arr
%finding the closest element possible to time = 26.601
dist = abs(period_fun - time);
min_dist = min(dist(:));
idx = find(dist == min_dist );
The output comes as 26.601, which is wrong.
My array has a value 26.801 which is closer to 26.601 it is not able to pick that value.
How can i precisely tune it ? so that i can make it more robust for even 0.001 variation
Please help me out

Best Answer

A matrix with dimensions [2 7 1 10 10 15 8], will have 168000 elements. The file you shared only have 166379 elements. I cannot create the matrix with a specified dimension. If I suggest a solution, you may still not find that it is not working. However, I have given a solution by padding array with zeros to make its size equal to 168000.
fid = fopen('Mat file.txt');
data = textscan(fid, '%f', 'HeaderLines', 6);
period_arr = data{1};
period_arr = padarray(period_arr, 168000 - numel(period_arr), 0, 'post');
period_arr = reshape(period_arr, [2 7 1 10 10 15 8]);
time = 26.601;
dist = abs(period_arr - time);
[min_dist, idx] = min(dist(:));
When I run this code, it get the value
Which is closest value to 26.601.
26.801 is not the closest value in this array.