MATLAB: Finding a series of numbers in a cell


Good day,
I have the following cell called "c"
c = {'Conc_510_Y2_Asym_27730_AuditoryOddball'
'Other - TS#27505'
'Other - TS#27775 - Other'
'Other -TS#27423'
'TS#27021 - Baseline'
'TS#27315 -Asym'
'Other Files'
'Other Files'
'Other Files'
I am trying to extract the series of 5 numbers from the cell and store it into an array. Such that the results from the first 5 results would be
I know that I can use @cellfun to scan if there is a specific number within a cell
However, this method won't work here. I would appreciate any guidance/help.

Best Answer

It's not clear exactly what pattern you're looking for. The following will work for your first five numbers:
str2double(regexp(yourcellarray, '\d+(?=[^0-9]*$)', 'match', 'once'))
but so would many other patterns which would produce different results for the rest of the array.
Note: rather than using an external service, paste an excerpt of your cell array into your question.