MATLAB: Finding a minumum range of sequential values


Further to a question that was asked a few days ago (which Matt Fig answered to the satisfaction of the author – see link below):
In particular, I am searching for a sequence of a minimum of 5 ones in order to perform another function on these elements. That is to say that I would like to perform the second function on any sequence where 5 or more ones may occur. Currently my code looks like:
S3 = findstr(B, ones(1, 5));
But when performing the second action, should the sequence happen to be greater than 5, I find that only the first 5 values identified with the code above are addressed. For example, I have a run of 10 ones, where only the first five values are are found and subsequently computed. Instead, I would like to compute values for all 10 elements appearing in the sequence.
Any ideas on how I might be able to get around this?
The data is a single row vector (1 X 14620); A range of integers where min value = 1 and max value = 6578
B = [17 4 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ………12 1 15 372 3 1 1 1 2 42 93 1 105 5 1 1 1 1 78 1 2]

Best Answer

What else does your data look like? Is it ones and zeros? Integers only? A single row vector, or matrix? Give all the details you can...
EDIT With more details added...
x = B==1; % Sequences of 1s, change this line to find other values.
t = [1 diff(x)]~=0;
x = x(t);
t = find([t 1]);
n = diff(t);
idx = (x==1 & n>=5); % Seq. length >= 5, change this for other lengths.
n = n(idx) % Length of each sequence of 1s.
idx = t(idx) % Starting index of each sequence.