MATLAB: Find variable in Simulink blocks


In a Simulink model 'myModel', I would like to find all blocks that use the variable 'myVariable', even before the variable's value exists in the workspace. The variable appears in several constant blocks, which I want to highlight. But the following approach produces the error below. What am I doing wrong?
Simulink.findVars('myModel', 'Name', 'myVariable')
Model 'myModel' failed to successfully compile, any cached results may be incomplete.
Caused by: Error evaluating expression 't_total' for 'Stop time' specified in the Configuration Parameters dialog for block diagram 'myModel': Undefined function or variable 't_total'.

Best Answer

The particular error that you are seeing is about t_total being undefined, but in general, you do need to define all variables being used in the model (including 'myVariable'). Simulink attempts to compile the model (equivalent to Ctrl+D) in the algorithm used to find the variables, and Ctrl+D will fail if you have not defined the required variables.