MATLAB: Find unique rows of cell array

cell arraysduplicatesindexingrowsunique

I have a cell array as attached. I can see that rows 3 and 4 are repeated, so I would like to keep only the first occurrence of this repetition. I have tried a few things, but calling unique(x, 'rows') doesn't work on cell arrays and each row is a different size, so i have found a few issues when trying to cell index.

Best Answer

This is possibly more efficient than the other solutions:
[r1, r2] = ndgrid(1:size(matching__, 1));
duplicates = any(triu(arrayfun(@(r1, r2) isequal(matching__(r1, :), matching__(r2, :)), r1, r2), 1))
matching__(duplicates, :) = []
In your example, only rows 3 and 5 are identical.