MATLAB: Find the vertices from delaunay triangulation

delaunay triangulation

i creates a Delaunay triangulation using the following lines
X = [y(:,1) x(:,1)];
dt = delaunayTriangulation(X);
The output "dt" is a matrix with 3 columns (a,b,c). How can i find the vertices of the triangles so that i get (xa,ya) (xb,yb) and (xc,yc)

Best Answer

x = rand(10,1) ; % a randoms data
y = rand(10,1) ;
dt = delaunayTriangulation(x,y) ; % delaunay triangulation
points = dt.Points ; % points
tri = dt.ConnectivityList ; % nodal connectivity
x = points(:,1) ;
X = x(tri) ;
y = points(:,2) ;
Y = y(tri) ;