MATLAB: Find the reptition in vector


HI,I have x=[2 4 4 1 1],I want if the number is not repeated like 2 to execute a condition.If repeated ,to execute another condition.

Best Answer

Its OK.Thanks. if you are still interested:
2 82 10 16 15 66 76 71 83 44 49
4 91 28 98 43 4 75 4 70 39 45
4 13 55 96 92 85 40 28 32 77 65
1 92 96 49 80 94 66 5 96 80 71
1 64 97 81 96 68 18 10 4 19 76
I want the prog. to check each element of the first column.if it is not repeted,then take the first k large numbers of the row along with their indices and put them in matrix. if not take the first large k numbers and give them to the first repeat then give the rest to the next one. I think the condition must include sort command