MATLAB: Find the minimum of a multi-variable function


Question: Find the minimum of in the window [0,2]×[2,4] with increment 0.01 for x and y.
My approach:
syms fun(x,y) fx(x,y) fy(x,y) fxy(x,y) x y
pt=solve([==0,==0],[x y]) But it gives me an error.
besides what about the window and increment mentioned that question. Any solution will be appreciated .
Thanks in advance .

Best Answer

In your code, it was not good to put the name like "fun(x,y)". Also, we do not need to declare "fx, fun, fy,.." as symbolic variable. Here is a small code that you can refer
syms x y
pt=solve([fx==0,fy==0],[x y]);
% pt=solve(fx==0,fy==0);
sol = struct2array(pt)
It will give us the solution
sol =
[ 1, 3]
I have run this code on Matlab2018a. Maybe in your Matlab version, there will be some different.
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