MATLAB: Find the index of cell array containing numeric values

cell arrayindex

Hi!I have a cell array=YTLim, which contains at each cell the measurements of each for significant wave height Hs(numeric values).Each cell has 2920=365*8 or 2928=366*8 measurements,it depends on the year.So first cell has the values
YTLim{2}=[2921,2922,2923,...,5840] etc
I have,also, a vector that contains the spot of some measurements. For example:
I need to find a way to take the index of the cell containing the vector's value…Is that possible?
I need something like that:

Best Answer

Here is a miniature example that I believe does what you've asked for:
c = cellfun(@(x)(ismember(maxpos,x)),YTLim,'UniformOutput',false);
[YS,~] = find(reshape([c{:}],numel(maxpos),[])')
I have to admit the code is compact and maybe a bit obscure. But if you take the time to examine each piece, I'm confident you can see what each individual command is doing.