MATLAB: Where can I find the datasets “digitTrai​nCellArray​Data”

deep learningMATLAB

Hi all,
Now I am running the MATLAB sample code for "Train Stacked Autoencoders for Image Classification". The codes are as below:
% Load the training data into memory
[xTrainImages,tTrain] = digitTrainCellArrayData;
% Display some of the training images
for i = 1:20
However, I can't find the dataset. Here is the error:
Undefined function or variable 'digitTrainCellArrayData'.
Can anybody share the dataset? Thanks!
PS. I am using MATLAB 2015b, 64bits, and my machines are: (1)MacBook Pro;(2)Precision T5810(CPU E5-1620 v3 @ 3.50GHz,RAM 32G, Win10 64 bits)

Best Answer

That example and dataset are from R2016b and do not exist in earlier versions.