MATLAB: Find the coordinates of a point chosen on a plot


So I've been using ginput to select points on a plot
My plot consists of time(x) and velocity(y).
Below is my user-selected points.
[Userx,Usery] = ginput(1);
However, I noticed it doesn't actually select points from the voltage vs. time graph and instead just a point in the figure screen.
How can I get the nearest data point of the actual plot?
I've found one solution is to use this user created script file:

Best Answer

Short example
x = linspace(0,2,20)'; % generate some data
y = sin(x);
xy = ginput(1); % get point
[~,ix] = min(pdist2([x y],xy)); % find closest point
hold on
plot(x(ix),y(ix),'or') % display closest point
hold off